Author Topic: Tekken 2 BNS Extraractor: A tool to extract TEKKEN2.BNS...  (Read 4051 times)


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  • Posts: 20

If i may ask you. -HOW- did you learn that? Or how do you prepare to check these files, and take stuff that you are interested in?
I've just postead that i found some list and thats all i know. Also i tried to use no$psx and psX debugger to find [in previous case] TMDs like searching for 0x41.
I didn't found that of course. no$psx has nice tool to view actual rendered scene and user's able to point at certain TRAINGLE! By clicking on some element on the list, which is always on the right, you also see small few-line info, with the addresses.

I tried to locate models in T2 and T3 by "locating" first triangle of the character, and the find hex value in the real file [with Hex editor], but the thing is that it couldn't be fin or at least with totally messed values instead [not the same which were written in no$psx].

Along with T3 and T2 there are many games i'd love to rip off but by myself, to try my own possibilities, but actually i have lack of knowledge.

Could you please say how did you get that experience? What was your first game and how did you find out how to properly take out ie. models from that game :) I'd be really glad and interested.

BTW: I can post that pic from no$psx graphic debugger if you don't know what i mean.