Author Topic: Tekken 2 BNS Extraractor: A tool to extract TEKKEN2.BNS...  (Read 4051 times)


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Damn! Leo! I'm very glad that you've read my message and even wrote an application to rip stuff from that game! I'm really impressed by your work. I was struggling to "bite" that game for like a year, and you've made that app in like a week! HOLY SH*T!
By the way, while you were looking at the file, you should notice that in ps-exe file [that main one] (in my case european version - SCES_002.55) has foler listings at the certain offsets:
Try to insert them to your results, and by that name them properly (?).
Also, my main interest behind the geometry, are files which are containg animations for each model. Maybe these are hidden in some other form, because some characters have the same punches/kicks, so maybe its per object [like hand / both hands / leg(s) ?].
I'm watching that topic carefully.