Now I understand animation data.
"25" - amount of frames.
Next line is a position of torso.
Next 15 lines are angles of parts (rotations around x, y and z).
-0.020 0.000 33.640
-0.791 -0.615 0.703
5.187 -8.615 -1.143
-5.978 8.352 -0.879
12.571 47.297 2.813
72.703 -13.363 -63.385
-25.407 23.209 -12.308
1.670 13.011 -14.330
-7.912 -2.989 0.352
18.198 -14.154 -4.220
0.000 0.352 14.681
-4.571 2.374 -0.176
16.527 -7.560 -2.110
-16.088 -1.582 -1.231
-18.989 -17.495 0.527
3.692 6.681 0.000
-0.020 0.000 33.620
-0.879 -0.527 0.703
4.923 -8.791 -1.055
-5.978 8.352 -0.879
12.571 48.088 3.165
74.637 -11.604 -63.473
-25.758 22.769 -12.308
1.846 13.099 -14.418
-7.736 -2.989 0.352
18.198 -14.505 -4.308
0.088 0.440 14.857
-4.659 2.374 -0.176
16.791 -7.824 -2.198
-16.264 -1.495 -1.319
-19.165 -17.846 0.615
3.780 6.857 0.000