-BSSM v0.3b-RE1, 2, 3 [PSX] BSS manager it can extract any BS from BSS to 24bit BMP and replace any BS inside BSS from any type of BMP and of course it can view BSS contain. BSS files usually contains backgrounds in RE1 and mask in RE2,3.
Note: Right now it only support BG replace/export in/from BSS from Resident Evil 1, 2, 3 [PSX] but not mask edit.
Credit: PmData for his BSS2BMP.EXE and Sony for it's LIBMD32.DLL that I use in this tool they're implement inside BSSM.exe for simplicity.
Tip: Use "
Associate BSS File With BSSM" options to open *.BSS files instantly in BSSM with double click on them in Windows Explorer.
Note: Before start downloading from
datafilehost uncheck the checkbox that I'm showing down below also JavaScript must be enabled in browser!
BSSM v0.3b.zip (489.36 KB)